Founded in 1993, Bombay Duck embarked on a journey fueled by a deep love for India, its crafts, and traditions. Over three decades, the brand has passionately crafted a collection of homewares and accessories that exude joy, blending integrity, originality, quality, and fun at its core. The journey has been a mix of joy, hard work, and occasional tears, all aimed at bringing happiness to customers.
Bombay Duck's collection is a playful and diverse array of homewares and accessories. From doormats to cushions, tableware to furniture, wall decor, and beyond, each product reflects the brand's commitment to creativity, quality, and a touch of whimsy. With every item, Bombay Duck seeks to bring joy and a sense of delight to homes, embodying the essence of its founding values while embracing the rich heritage and craftsmanship of India.
Bringing you an array of thoughtfully curated clothing, gifts and homewares from UK brands, we aim to make gift-giving and supporting local easy! Kitty & Gus also provide a bespoke made-to-measure soft furnishing service and offer a range of UK designed and manufactured fabric and wallpaper.
55 Horsemarket, Kelso
Scotland, TD5 7AA
Tel: 01573 221480
Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm
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